Diagnose Oak Wilt?

San Antonio Top Tree Service

Can You Diagnose Oak Wilt?

For those that don’t know, there’s a particular fungus that causes oak wilt caused “ceratocystis fagacearum.” This can grow on the outside of an oak tree and often develops a parasitic relationship with the tree. Of course, the tree does its best to respond naturally, so that it can prevents certain nutrients from spreading to that affected area to wall off the pathogen; however, this ultimately ends up with oak wilting, hence the name “oak wilt.” You might notice that branches are sagging down in an oak tree, and this is a possible symptom of oak wilt. It might happen thanks to storm damage, which is not unusual. Any kind of damage leaves a tree’s body more susceptible to disease. Regardless of the kind of oak you’re dealing with, if you contact one of our specialists, we might be able to help. 

Often times, when you hear about diseases, you might think about the flu, colds, sore throat, or some other kind of food-borne illness that might occur thanks to contamination of some sort; however, there are a number of diseases that trees can contract. We have learned that oak wilt is one of those common diseases that we see in our area. It was first identified in 1944, and it doesn’t attack warm-blooded and cold-blooded organisms. Of course, since oak wilt affects trees, that means it also affects humans because trees are such an important part of the ecosystem and landscape.

Oak Wilt

Another way to notice whether you have oak wilt is to notice discoloration in the leaves—if you have an eye for detail. You might notice a brown color spreading from the tip of the leaf and spreading through, and it might come with a “leaf drop,” so the leaf drops and sags more than usual. This might happen faster than you might think, so the faster you notice it, the better. This might even happen over the course of several years, so if you check often on your trees, it might be something that you notice relatively soon. The most likely time that an oak is infected is the spring and summer, and you’ll also want to check on your trees for damage following any severe storms.


In the end, we know that you want your oak trees as happy and healthy as possible, because they are truly some of the most praised and celebrated trees in the world. In order to successfully prevent oak wilt from occurring, you have to keep the healthy parts of the trees and roots completely separate from the infected portions, which can be done in two ways: mechanically or chemically. We have extensive experience with both methods. For example, we can use a trencher to separate the roots, and fumigants can also kill the roots that are connecting the two. We will also dispose of trees that have already succumbed to oak wilt properly, so that they do not cause you any more issues on the remaining trees. Be sure to contact one of our specialists immediately if you notice signs of oak wilt. To find out more, contact one of our professionals.

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